As a part of his ten point plan to make the UK carbon neutral by 2050, Prime Minister Boris Johnson recently announced the sale of new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2030. What does this mean for your business, and the direction of your company vehicle investment?

More about the ban

The ban will cover petrol and diesel cars and vans, which will no longer be sold past 2030. Initial projections indicated that 2040 was a likely time to implement such a ban, but the Prime Minister’s push for what he calls the “Green Industrial Revolution” has seen the ban come in ten years sooner. But that still gives you ten years to plan how your business will react.

Reactions from manufacturers, industry figures, and businesses that make heavy use of company vehicles have been mixed. While all welcome the move towards carbon neutrality, cleaner air, and more efficiency, questions have been raised about the quality of existing infrastructure to support such a shift. Improving infrastructure is point four of Mr Johnson’s plan.

What are your options?

This announcement means that now is the time for your business to consider the way you approach your company vehicle infrastructure. It won’t do to simply keep buying diesel right up until they’re illegal. But there are many benefits to consider from shifting your focus sooner rather than later – either to a plug-in hybrid vehicle or to a fully electric vehicle.

Company electric car tax rates are currently very agreeable, which makes investment an appealing proposition, especially in instances where your vehicles are only travelling locally. It should be noted too that electric battery technology, and the range and recharge rates of electric vehicles, are constantly improving.

Electric vehicles are still not quite viable for heavy mileage, however, in which case there are many plug-in hybrid options available – these can run on electric power while in densely populated environments, then switch back to a conventional engine for longer journeys.

Get help with making your decision

For more assistance and clarity about what the new announcement means for your business, and what the most viable options are, contact Harris Lacey and Swain today.