

How to avoid fraudulent websites and shop safely online

The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has updated their guidance on safe online shopping and payments. With online shopping becoming a regular part of our daily lives, both for personal and business use, it's crucial to follow best practices to stay secure. Here are some key tips from the NCSC to help you shop safely online: Check the shop’s legitimacy Criminals often send emails or texts with links to fake shops that mimic legitimate websites, including logos and convincing web addresses. To avoid falling victim to these scams, never click on links from emails unless you are absolutely certain of [...]

Making HMRC pay for poor service

Dealing with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) can sometimes be challenging. Issues such as long wait times, incorrect refund amounts, errors in tax codes, and other problems can lead to frustration. Recently, there has been a noticeable decline in HMRC’s service standards, but did you know you can actually lodge a complaint and potentially receive compensation? What are your rights? HMRC operates under a Charter that outlines the standards of service you should expect. They commit to accuracy, ease of service, responsiveness, fairness, awareness of your personal circumstances, respecting your choice to have someone else manage your affairs, and data [...]

Landmark Moment for the IPO: First Patent Filed on New Digital Service

The Intellectual Property Office (IPO) is celebrating the submission of the first patent application through its new fully digital ‘One IPO’ patents service. This initiative aims to offer a more streamlined and efficient process. Additionally, the IPO is implementing a new AI-powered patent allocation tool, which ensures that patent applications are directed to the appropriate team within seconds, compared to the previous 14-day timeframe. The new patents service is expected to launch to the public in early 2025, with a new service for trademarks, designs, and IPO tribunals scheduled for 2026. In the meantime, the IPO is seeking more participants [...]

Lessons for businesses from a cyber attack on the London Borough of Hackney

The London Borough of Hackney (LBoH) has been reprimanded by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) following a cyber attack in October 2020. The breach, which saw hackers access and encrypt 440,000 files, disrupted services for months and exposed sensitive data. LBoH acknowledged that the attack “posed a meaningful risk of harm” to 230 data subjects. LBoH has taken remedial steps since the attack, and due to their positive actions, the ICO has decided to issue a reprimand rather than impose a fine. However, there are several lessons businesses can learn from this breach to protect their own digital assets and [...]

Inflation stable staying at 2%

The Office of National Statistics has released the latest inflation figures for June, and the good news is that the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) has remained steady at 2.0%. The largest upward contribution to inflation came from restaurants and hotels, where hotel prices, in particular, have increased compared to a year ago. Taylor Swift’s Eras tour in the UK may have played a role in this. The largest downward contribution came from clothing and footwear, as the prices of garments have fallen since last year. Attention now turns to the potential impact on interest rate policy. The Bank of England [...]

Highlights from the King’s speech: What impact may they have on your business?

Last week, King Charles delivered the King's Speech at the State Opening of Parliament. This annual address outlines the government’s plans and priorities for the coming year and sets out the legislation that ministers aim to pass. While the speech is delivered by the King, it is drafted by the government. The speech mentioned 40 new pieces of legislation that could directly impact businesses and the financial security of individuals. Here are some highlights: Economic Outlook The government aims to bring about economic stability through the Budget Responsibility Bill, which will allow the Office of Budget Responsibility (OBR) to independently [...]

Highlights from the Chancellor’s speech: What are the implications for tax and compliance?

The new Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rachel Reeves, delivered her inaugural speech last week, outlining her plans to revitalise the UK economy. While her address was predictably political, containing criticism of the previous government and highlighting her own initiatives, it also revealed key elements of her tax strategy. Here’s a summary and analysis of what these plans could mean for you. Economic Growth and Stability The Chancellor underscored that sustained economic growth is crucial for enhancing living standards and prosperity in the UK. She prioritised economic stability, pledging to keep taxes, inflation, and mortgage rates as low as possible. For [...]

New VAT registration tool released by HMRC

HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has introduced a new tool designed to assist businesses in understanding the implications of VAT registration. VAT Registration Criteria VAT registration becomes mandatory if: Your total taxable turnover exceeds £90,000 over the previous 12 months. You expect your taxable turnover to exceed £90,000 in the next 30 days. You are based outside the UK and supply goods and services to the UK. Taxable turnover refers to the total value of everything you sell, excluding items exempt from VAT. Voluntary VAT Registration Businesses can also voluntarily register for VAT even if their annual taxable turnover is [...]

The new government’s six first steps for change: Implications for your business

The new government has unveiled an ambitious plan to drive significant changes across the UK. As your business advisors, we want to break down how these initiatives could impact you. These initiatives cover economic stability, healthcare improvements, border security, energy production, social behaviour, and education reform. Economic Stability The government's primary focus is on restoring economic stability to boost prosperity and living standards across the UK. By adhering to strict spending rules, they aim to keep taxes, inflation, and mortgage rates as low as possible. For your business, this means a more predictable financial environment, enhancing business confidence and potentially [...]

Embracing nostalgia: Why you should consider selling retro items and services

In a fast-paced world dominated by the latest technologies and trends, a growing counter-movement celebrates the past: nostalgia for retro items. From vintage clothing to classic video games, consumers are increasingly drawn to products and experiences that evoke a sense of nostalgia. The Appeal of Retro Items 1. Emotional Connection: Retro items often evoke strong emotional connections, reminding people of simpler times, childhood memories, or iconic moments from the past. These feelings can drive sales and loyalty to your brand. 2. Unique Market Position: In a market saturated with the latest products, offering retro items can set your business apart. [...]

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