The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) is aware of private-sector (non-NHS) providers who are undergoing UKAS accreditation in order to provide COVID-19 testing services to companies or individuals.

Individuals with coronavirus symptoms should self-isolate immediately and get an NHS Test and Trace test to check if they have coronavirus.

Free NHS testing is for individuals with symptoms or who have been advised to take a test by a medical practitioner or a public agency.

Individuals who do not fall into these categories and require a test for other reasons, such as fit-to-fly, can contact providers for general COVID-19 testing below to book a private coronavirus test at their own expense.

Employers should refer to the list of providers for general COVID-19 testing below if they wish to partner with a third-party provider undergoing UKAS accreditation to provide workforce testing. For private-sector employers and third-party providers looking to set up their own workforce testing sites, please read the guidance on coronavirus (COVID-19): testing guidance for employers.

The organisations on the lists do not constitute fully UKAS accredited providers but have demonstrated compliance with the applicable minimum standards, as they progress through the accreditation process.

Each scheme has different minimum standards, which means a test provider of general COVID-19 testing may not meet the minimum standards for Test to Release for international arrivals and/or day 2 and 8 testing for international arrivals.

The lists are not exhaustive. Some organisations which have self-declared that they meet the government’s minimum standards for the type of testing service they offer have decided to opt out from being published on these lists.

Organisations may be taken off the lists if they are at any time found to be non-compliant with any of the minimum standards for the test service they are providing.

See: Private providers of COVID-19 testing: what you need to know – GOV.UK (