Innovate UK KTN publishes interactive report ‘Meeting Net Zero with the Power of Place’ on how location data can help us fight against climate change.

The report, which comprises videos, case studies, as well as written commentary, explores the vast potential of geospatial data, innovation inclusive growth, collaboration, system thinking and cultural change in dealing with global challenges.

Cross-sector examples include:

  • Energy – Geospatial data has the potential to uncover suitable sites for greener energy generation such as solar, wind and wave power; the locations for such sites are predicated by earth observation data on geography, natural climates, and prevailing weather conditions.
  • Nature – Satellite cameras allow for real-time monitoring of deforestation around the world. Global Forest Watch monitors 600 million hectares of forest at any one time and has alerted authorities of illegal mining and logging in protected areas of the Amazon.
  • Built Environment – British geospatial companies are working with Homes England and Welsh Government to help urban planners create more resilient urban environments, that factor in sustainability and net zero.
  • Transport – 4G and 5G cellular data can help plan the installation of EV charge points by tracking popular routes, particularly as coverage extends into rural areas.

See: Meeting Net Zero with the Power of Place | Business Wales (