Between 2019 and 2021, there has been a 38% increase in reported cases of work-related stress, depression or anxiety, according to the Health and Safety Executive. With the Bank of England predicting a recession at the end of 2022 through to 2023, increased pressure on public services and its workforce is likely. Taking steps to improve staff health and wellbeing is therefore essential to maintaining workforces and continuing to deliver effective public services. This is a key time for professionals across the public sector to come together and share best practice, tips and resources for supporting the wellbeing of public sector employees.

  • In 2020/21 there were an estimated 822,000 workers affected by work-related stress, depression or anxiety (Health and Safety Executive).
  • In 2021 the Royal Society for Public Health found that people who switched to working from home exercised less (46%) and developed musculoskeletal problems (39%).
  • 41% of employees surveyed in 2021 experienced work-related mental health issues last year (BITC).

At The Improving National Workplace Health and Wellbeing Event 2023 you will hear the latest guidance on creating a workplace that promotes the health and wellbeing of all staff. You will be able to engage with best practice case studies on improving work-life balance, developing a whole organisation approach to health and wellbeing, and developing policies to support staff mental health.

The event takes place on the 2nd of February 2023 online.

See: Improving National Workplace Health and Wellbeing (