The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and the National Crime Agency (NCA) have announced a new Memorandum of Understanding, outlining their collaboration to enhance the UK’s cyber resilience.

Key Objectives of the Memorandum

The primary goal of this agreement is to improve protection for organisations and businesses across the country against criminal activities involving data theft and ransomware attacks. By working more closely together, the ICO and NCA aim to bolster the UK’s defences against these cyber threats.

Key Provisions

The Memorandum specifies that the ICO will actively encourage organisations to report cyber crime to the NCA as soon as possible. Furthermore, both agencies will share information on cyber incidents with the NCA in an anonymised, systemic, and aggregated manner. When necessary, this information may also be shared on an organisation-specific basis to aid the NCA in combating serious and organised crime.

For more details, visit: ICO and NCA Sign Memorandum of Understanding for Enhanced Cyber Security Collaboration