The physical and mental health benefits of exercise are widely recognised. The healthier and fitter we are, the better we perform in running our businesses. Similarly, a healthier, fitter workforce is more likely to be productive and content. Despite this, many of us find it challenging to make time or summon the energy for regular exercise.

The Department of Health and Social Care and the NHS have reported that 8.7 million NHS Couch to 5K runs were completed in 2024, with 790,000 people downloading the NHS fitness app.

The app is designed to help beginners gradually work towards running 5 kilometres. Public Health Minister Andrew Gwynne said: “The NHS Couch to 5K app is a great way to get fitter and build sustainable running habits.”

Running regularly has been shown to lower the risk of long-term health conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and stroke. It can also support healthy weight management and boost your mood.

The app offers guided commentaries from a choice of celebrity coaches and allows users to track their progress by completing three runs each week. Users are further encouraged with celebration videos and progress summaries after each challenge. There’s also advice and support for overcoming setbacks.

A recent addition to the app is ‘graduation’ content, aimed at motivating users to turn running into a lasting habit.

Of course, running isn’t the only way to stay active. Some may prefer walking, cycling, swimming, going to the gym, or playing sports. Whatever form of exercise you choose, finding a partner or making a commitment to someone else can provide the extra motivation needed to stick with it. Workplaces can be excellent sources of ‘buddies’ to help maintain an exercise routine.

Given the numerous benefits, could promoting the NHS Couch to 5K app or starting an exercise group not only improve the health and well-being of you and your team but also enhance your business performance?

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