The start of a new year is often when entrepreneurs begin planning for a new business venture. To assist with this, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has published guidance to help entrepreneurs address data protection from the outset.
The ICO offers an e-learning platform featuring videos and advice tailored to small organisations. This resource, available online, is well worth exploring.
In addition, the ICO provides two useful online tools to simplify data protection compliance:
Privacy Notice
Every organisation that handles personal information must explain why it collects the data and how it is used. This is typically done via a privacy notice, which can be displayed on the organisation’s website or included in other communications.
The ICO’s privacy notice generator allows businesses to create customised privacy notices. In just 10 to 15 minutes, this tool helps you prepare notices for customer and supplier information as well as for staff and volunteers.
Direct Marketing Advice Generator
If your business advertises or sends marketing messages to individuals or organisations, you are engaging in direct marketing. To comply with the Privacy and Electronic Communication Regulations (PECR) and UK GDPR, you need to follow specific rules.
The ICO’s direct marketing advice generator provides tailored guidance to ensure your marketing activities comply with the law. This tool makes it easier to stay on the right side of regulations and target only those who are happy to receive your communications.
While addressing data protection may feel daunting when starting a new business, these tools can significantly reduce the complexity and stress involved.
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