Switching payroll provider mid-year

Are you dissatisfied with your payroll company, yet you are worried about switching to a new one? It is understandable, given how much time and effort it takes to hand your payroll duties over in the first place. But, what if we told you that switching is not all that difficult? In this blog, we address 3 myths about switching payroll companies; we hope you find it useful!

  1. Myth 1: You can’t switch part way through a year

While it is possible to switch payroll support part way through a tax year, you must be extra careful that your new provider has the correct documentation. This is to ensure you do not experience any hiccups in your payroll processes due to the switch.

  1. Myth 2: There is a risk that your payroll data will go missing

If you are worried that some of your data will not be transferred correctly – like how much employees get paid or how many holiday days they’ve got left – we can assure you that switching payroll companies is not like it used to be. There is little manual work involved!

  1. Myth 3: There is a big handover involved

This all depends on which provider you choose/have chosen, but switching payroll companies is generally straightforward. Ideally, your new provider will give you clear, actionable steps on what to do next and what kind of information is required at each stage. For example:

  • The first step is to let your current provider know that you are switching;
  • The second step involves downloading your quarterly reports, tax returns, and employee data;
  • The third and final step is when your new payroll provider will receive your reports and/or a software back-up of your payroll data so they can take over smoothly.

Switch your provider today, enjoy easy, expert payroll tomorrow

Switching to a new payroll provider is less strenuous than you think! Get in touch with our payroll experts today by calling 01482 646440 or filling in our on-site form

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