The Notification of the Airport and Ground Operators Support Scheme gives funding to airports and airport ground crews affected by COVID-19.
The aim was to open the scheme in January (2021) and ensure grant payments were made to eligible businesses by the end of the financial year. Grant payments would be made using powers in sections 7 and 8 of the act.
Section 8(8) of the act states that financial assistance for any one project shall not exceed £30 million, except so far as such excess has been authorised by a resolution of the House of Commons. The need to act and ensure that support was provided promptly meant that the government were previously unable to seek such authorisation from the House of Commons.
Section 8(9) of the act provides that the Secretary of State for transport, Mr Robert Courts MP, shall lay a statement concerning the financial assistance before each House of Parliament if they are satisfied that the payment or undertaking to pay financial assistance in excess of £30 million was urgently needed and it would have been impracticable to obtain the approval of the Commons House of Parliament by way of a resolution.
The need to provide support to airports and ground handlers, who play a vital role in the infrastructure of the country, made it impracticable to seek authorisation by way of a resolution, for payments under the scheme in excess of £30 million and I therefore tabling this statement. The details of the spend on the scheme, which opened for applications at the end of January, are:
The government states it remains committed to supporting the sector and has recently announced that the scheme will be renewed for the first 6 months of the financial year 2021/22. Consent for the use of powers in sections 7 and 8 of the act for the renewed scheme will be sought separately.