Innovate UK, as part of UK Research and Innovation, is investing up to £3 million in collaborative innovation projects, including partnerships with:

  • The National Physical Laboratory
  • The National Measurement Laboratory
  • The National Engineering Laboratory
  • The Science and Technology Facilities Council
  • National Institute for Biological Standards and Control
  • National Gear Metrology Lab
  • Newton Gateway to Mathematics
  • Advanced Sustainable Manufacturing Technologies

This competition is split into two strands. These are:

  • A4I round 8 – main strand (for projects with total costs of £15,000 to £120,000)
  • A4I round 8 – mini projects (for projects with total costs of up to £50,000)

To be eligible, your proposal must describe a measurement or analysis problem where you are seeking a solution to improve your business’s productivity or competitiveness. You must provide an estimate of the value to your business of solving the problem.

This is an expression of interest (EoI) competition stage. No funding is awarded at this stage. If you are successful, you will be invited to brokerage consultations with relevant A4I partners. These will focus on approaches to solving your problem. You will work together to propose joint projects to develop solutions. Successful stage 2 applications will be grant funded, to work with the relevant partner organisations.

The deadline for applications to the A4I competition is Wednesday 31 August 2022.

Main strand – See: Competition overview – Analysis for Innovators (A4I) Round 8 – Innovation Funding Service (

Mini projects – See: Competition overview – Analysis for Innovators (A4I) Round 8 Mini Projects – Innovation Funding Service (