In an article first published in the Telegraph newspaper 14 July, Orlando Fraser, the Chair of the Charity Commission has stated the need for Charities to demonstrate the skills of frugality, and restraint during this belt tightening era.
He commented that during times of collective challenges, charities come into their own, offering practical relief and other less tangible, but no-less precious commodities: hope, community, and a sense of belonging. We have witnessed this again and again, most recently during the pandemic, and in response to the invasion of Ukraine earlier this year. He states he is confident that, as economic difficulties deepen, charities will again step up to the plate, serving as lightning rods for compassion, kindness, and resilience.
He urges charities to listen to what the public is telling them, and to keep in mind, at all times, one of their most basic legal duties, namely that of prudence. A central principle even during times of calm, this will become an ever more important watchword as charities navigate the difficult months ahead, stewarding the charitable funds they are entrusted with.
See: Charities must show prudence to retain trust during crisis ahead – Charity Commission (