The Energy Bills Discount Scheme (EBDS) is for non-domestic customers that use energy provided by licence-exempt suppliers, where prices paid are pegged to wholesale prices. This is energy taken from the public electricity or gas grid, or received via wire or pipe. The scheme will provide support between 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024. Further information on how and when to apply for support under the EBDS will be published in due course.

Energy and Trade Intensive Industries (ETII)

If you’re eligible for the higher level of support to businesses and organisations, you will need to apply for this support. This is separate from the non-standard cases application process.

Non-standard customers who believe that they meet the criteria for ETII support and cannot see their energy provider listed when prompted in the application process, should contact us at [email protected].

Heat networks

If you’re eligible for the higher level of support for heat suppliers but receive your energy from a licence-exempt supplier, contact EBRS by emailing: [email protected]

Energy Bill Relief Scheme (EBRS)

The scheme was expanded to include non-domestic customers who receive energy from license-exempt suppliers via private wire or pipe, where prices paid are pegged to wholesale energy prices. The support covered the period 1 October 2022 until 31 March 2023.

Find out how to apply retrospectively for this support.

See: Energy Bills Discount Scheme – GOV.UK (