National Manufacturing Day is on Thursday 28 September 2023. Manufacturers throughout the UK will once again be opening their doors to members of the public who will be invited into factories and sites for a behind-the-scenes look at how Manufacturers’ facilities work, as part of this UK-wide Open House.

Local communities will have the chance to see the potential careers and jobs on offer within the wonderfully diverse manufacturing sector, as employers engage with all age groups – from school leavers, graduates, people looking to reskill, and the local residents.

For Make UK and Manufacturers, this is an opportunity to showcase the diversity of a truly fascinating sector, the range of highly skilled jobs on offer, and the amazing opportunities for reskilling and career development within manufacturing in the UK.

Join the ever-growing number of employers who have pledged to open their doors on National Manufacturing Day and help to grow the awareness of manufacturing and the fantastic careers which can be made for the next generation.

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