The non-domestic rating list and official statistics have been published for the 2023 revaluation.
The rating list sets out all rateable values for non-domestic properties in England and Wales. It is used by local authorities to help determine business rates. Note that your rateable value isn’t the same as your business rates bill.
The official statistics for Revaluation 2023 have been updated. They show the changes in rateable values of all non-domestic properties since the last revaluation in 2017.
The publication of the 2023 non-domestic rating list means that the 2017 list has now closed. There are only limited circumstances in which changes may be made to your previous rateable value.
Read more about the closure of the 2017 list.
You are now able to check the information used for your valuation in the 2023 list and tell the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) if anything is wrong. This is called a Check.
You can also challenge your new rateable value if you think it is too high.